Zymo DNA / RNA Shield4
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Zymo DNA / RNA Shield

Zymo DNA / RNA Shield


DNA / RNA Shield™ Collection Devices

■ 室溫穩定保存樣本中的 DNA、RNA
■ 應用廣,可保存細胞、組織、全血、土壤⋯等
■ 5-30 分鐘即可抑制病毒與其他感染源的活性
■ 無需移除保存液,可搭配 DNA / RNA 純化試劑
■ 產品選擇多元,有不同型式的 Collection devices

Figure 1: Streamlined workflow from samples protected by DNA/RNA Shield TM followed by purification by Zymo Research DNA and RNA extraction kits.

Figure 2: The total RNA profile is stabilized from freeze-thaw in whole blood samples protected by DNA/RNA Shield. Whole blood samples +/- DNA/RNA Shield were subjected to > 2 freeze thaw cycles. Total RNA was subsequently purified using the Quick-RNA™ Whole Blood kit and analyzed by TapeStation.

Figure 3: DNA and RNA in blood samples is effectively stabilized in DNA/ RNA Shield at ambient temperature over time. Graphs show (RT)qPCR results from RNA isolated from blood samples stored with DNA/ RNA Shield at various time points for various common targets. Samples ran in quadruplicate.

Figure 4: Microbial composition of stool samples preserved by DNA/RNA Shield versus samples left unprotected. Microbial composition (indicated by different colors) of stool samples were stored over time at ambient temperature with and without protection by DNA/RNA Shield. DNA was extracted with ZymoBIOMICS® DNA Miniprep Kit and then subjected to 16S rRNA targeted sequencing. Want to try it out for yourself? Click here to request a sample of DNA/RNA Shield.